Previous Lectureships
Information about previous Terry lectureships, including links to select video of past lectures, can be found by clicking on the headings below. Use the search fields to find lectureships by the name of the lecturer or the year.
1956-57 | Errol Eustace Harris
The Idea of God in Modern Thought (Revelation Through Reason: Religion in the Light of Science and Philosophy, published in 1958)
Not in Print
1955-56 | Rebecca West
The Court and the Castle: Some Treatments of a Recurrent Theme (published in 1957)
Not in Print
1954-55 | Pieter Geyl
Use and Abuse of History (published in 1955)
Not in Print
1953-54 | Gordon Willard Allport
Becoming: Basic Considerations for a Psychology of Personality (published in 1955)
Available at Yale University Press
1951-52 | Jerome Clarke Hunsaker
Aeronautics at the Mid-Century (published in 1952)
Not in Print
1950-51 | Paul Johannes Tillich
The Courage to Be (published in 1952)
Available at Yale University Press
1949-50 | Erich Fromm
Psychoanalysis and Religion (published in 1950)
Available at Yale University Press
1948-49 | George Gaylord Simpson
The Meaning of Evolution (published in 1949)
Available at Yale University Press
1947-48 | Alexander Stewart Ferguson
1946-47 | Charles Hartshorne
The Divine Relativity: A Social Conception of God (published in 1948)
Not in Print
1946-47 | Henri Frankfort
1945-46 | James Bryant Conant
On Understanding Science (published in 1947)
Not in Print
1944-45 | Julius Seelye Bixler
Conversations with an Unrepentant Liberal (published in 1946)
Not in Print
1943-44 | George Washington Corner
Ourselves Unborn: An Embryologist’s Essay on Man (published in 1944)
Not in Print
1942-43 | Jacques Maritain
Education at the Crossroads (published in 1943)
Available at Yale University Press